Camping at Angel Island State Park Credit: @technologyhiker

8 Great Places For
Camping in San Francisco and Beyond

希望在您逗留期间更接近大自然? 这里是威尼斯人官网平台app和湾区的露营地.

威尼斯人官网平台app可能是一个熙熙攘攘的城市,但伟大的户外永远不会离你太远. 如果你喜欢露营,那么湾区就是你所需要的. 在市区内外都有许多美丽的露营地. 以下是在威尼斯人官网平台app及其他地方露营的最佳地点.

Rob Hill Campground

1475 Central Magazine Rd.

严格来说,这是威尼斯人官网平台app市内唯一的露营地, Rob Hill Campground is a gorgeous spot in the Presidio. Rob Hill is just off the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and you can get there by bus, bike, or driving and hiking out. There are four public campgrounds here. Each fits 30 people. The facilities include a fire pit, a barbecue, food storage lockers, picnic tables, and restrooms (without showers). You can only bring four vehicles to the campsite, so if you're going with a big group, plan strategically. 在罗布山露营的一个额外好处是,你可以看看要塞所提供的所有其他很酷的东西. 

Angel Island Campground

Angel Island

在天使岛开始你的露营冒险吧,希望你能搭上前往天使岛的渡轮. Make sure to bring your hiking shoes, 因为从渡口到营地大约有两英里的路程. The East Bay Sites are generally protected from wind. 更多的山脊遗址可以看到金门大桥和威尼斯人官网平台app. 日出地点可以单独预订,也可以组合成一个最多24人的团体营地.

Kirby Cove Campground

948 Fort Barry, Sausalito

Kirby Cove is just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, 它为露营者提供了无与伦比的大桥和太平洋景色. The campground is set on a sandy beach, 从停车场到露营地有一条蜿蜒的小路. 该地区多雾且凉爽,所以你在那里全年都很舒适. There are five spots for camping at Kirby Cove, 其中两个是残疾人可以使用的. 如果你想在户外度过一天,但又喜欢睡在自己的床上,这里还有一个日间使用的网站.

Bicentennial Campground

Conzelman Rd., Sausalito

选择200周年露营地快速轻松地逃离大自然,也有令人惊叹的水景. 露营地位于马林海岬崎岖美丽的地方, 周围环绕着柏树林,金门大桥和城市天际线的景色无与伦比. 那里有三个露营地,每个营地可以容纳三个人. 设施包括烧烤架、食物储物柜和野餐桌. 

Hawk Campground


Hawk Campground is a beautiful spot for camping in Marin County, with stunning views of Gerbode Valley. The campground is perched high on a hill. 它有三个可以容纳四个人的露营地,野餐桌和移动厕所. 在这里露营是免费的,但你必须提前预订. 这个露营地在森林深处:从马林海岬游客中心步行三英里,或者从田纳西谷停车场步行两英里. Once you're there, 你会感受到远离城市喧嚣的世界, even though you're actually just a short drive away.

Steep Ravine Campground

Rocky Point Rd., Stinson Beach

陡峭峡谷露营地位于塔玛派斯山州立公园. 它很受游客和当地人的欢迎,因为它有很多可爱的小木屋, each with a wood stove, table, benches, and platforms for sleeping. 站在悬崖的高处,你可以远眺太平洋. You don't have to sleep in a cabin here; you can also bring your own tent. 这里只有七个露营地,所以如果你想参观的话,提前预定一个.

Anthony Chabot Regional Park

9999 Redwood Rd., Castro Valley

One of the best spots for camping in the East Bay is Anthony Chabot Regional Park, a giant campground that is situated in a stunning, 野生景观,为游客提供了大量的便利设施. You can enjoy hiking trails, riding trails, picnic tables, restrooms showers, phones, drinking water, and more. 有11个房车连接点,10个帐篷连接点,还有47个帐篷或小型房车连接点. 

Francis Beach Campground

Kelly Ave., Half Moon Bay

Located at Half Moon Bay State Beach, this gorgeous campground is well-appointed, with sites for both tents and RVs. 露营地也有抽水马桶和投币式淋浴. 弗朗西斯海滩露营地距离半月湾镇只有几分钟的路程, so you're just a hop, skip, and a jump from civilization, should you need to refuel. 露营者说他们非常喜欢这里,因为这里有海岸小径, 哪一条沿着营地的东部边界延伸, offering a beautiful spot to run, ride bikes, or walk.