在要塞拍照的最佳地点 | San Francisco Travel-威尼斯人官网平台


普雷西迪奥到处都是可以上instagram的地点. Here are eight overlooks in the park perfect for getting the perfect picture for your feed.


位于 要塞 Promenade, the 克里斯菲尔德远眺 is a popular stop for those on their way to the 金门大桥. A l和scaped plaza with benches set along a curved, stone wall invites guests to take in the view. 眺望威尼斯人官网平台app湾,发现 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 和 天使岛Crissy Field itself lies below, offering perfect views of its beaches, trails, 和 attractions, such as the 空气之屋. 了解更多 在这里.


这个观景台因能直接看到地球而闻名 金门大桥 耸立在两棵柏树之间的双塔. 这是Instagram和婚礼拍摄的热门地点. 金门俯瞰 was built in 2012 to honor the 75th anniversary of the bridge, 位于林肯大道附近. 弯曲的广场紧靠着海岸峭壁. Visitors are free to explore the former military batteries. The setting offers native flora 和 views of the trails below. 了解更多 在这里.


在这里可以直接看到太平洋 马林岬在晴朗的日子里, Point Reyes国家 海滨. Named in honor of those passing through the Golden Gate toward a new home, Immigrant Overlook features the words of President Woodrow Wilson: "We opened the gates to all the world 和 said, 'Let all men who want to be free come to us 和 they will be welcome.’”被刻在石头上. This overlook connects easily to hiking 和 beach options in the park when you've photographed enough magnificent ocean seascape. Come for sunset on a fog-free day for an especially memorable visit. 了解更多 在这里.


灵感点是一个很受欢迎的站点, given its convenient location near the Arguello Boulevard entrance to the park, 以及 普雷西迪奥高尔夫球场, 埃尔波林泉, the Julius Kahn Playground, 和 one of artist Andy Goldsworthy's outdoor works, the Spire. 俯瞰公园最大的分水岭, 田纳西州空心, 灵感点提供了威尼斯人官网平台app湾的景色, 以及 surrounding grassl和s 和 nearby historic homes 和 eucalyptus canopies. 了解更多 在这里.

Lobos Valley俯瞰

位于西南角的 要塞, Lobos Valley俯瞰 is a great place to consider the 历史 of the park. Lobos Valley has alternatively been a site for grazing cattle, 菜园, 军队训练设施. 最近, 虽然, the 要塞 Trust's efforts at rejuvenation can be seen from this overlook, with rebuilt s和 dunes inviting native plants back in 和 initiating a positive environmental transformation. This is another overlook showcasing views to the Pacific Ocean 和 its sunsets. 了解更多 在这里.


紧随其后的是前美国.S. 沿着山湖小径的海洋医院, 海洋公墓远景是一个修复的沙丘栖息地. 这是一个思考和尊重美国的好地方.S. 历史. 1881年到1912年, sailors who died at the hospital 和 whose remains could not be returned home were buried in the adjacent hills. If you're driving, paid parking is available on nearby Wedemeyer Street. 了解更多 在这里.


在普雷西迪奥森林的中央, high above San Francisco National Cemetery sits this overlook's peaceful plaza. 献给2009年退伍军人节, this serene spot offers a dramatic view of the 28-acre military cemetery 和 pays homage to the thous和s of American soldiers who are buried t在这里. 穿过墓地,你可以看到 金门大桥, 马林岬威尼斯人官网平台app湾. 使用湾区岭径, 国家公墓远眺 is about a 15-minute walk from the Arguello Gate park entrance. 了解更多 在这里.


For a quintessential west coast view of the Pacific Ocean, from L和's End to the 金门大桥前往太平洋观景台. 这是一个受欢迎的站点, 因为它很容易到达许多徒步小径, 包括从炮台到布拉夫斯小径. Rustic wooden benches made from reclaimed 要塞 Monterey cypress trees allow for a moment of rest. 了解更多 在这里.

许多公园 健行步道 直接连接到一个或多个这些俯瞰. 或者, PresidiGo航天飞机 你也可以带你到很多这样的站点吗. PresidiGo is a convenient 和 free option for getting around the park. 总统也提供交通从市中心, 和 the 要塞 is easily accessible via San Francisco's 市政 系统. Biking is another popular method to get to 和 around the park. 点击 在这里 for ideas of routes, electric bike shares, 和 rental opportunities.

For complete information on the 要塞's scenic overlooks, visit the 要塞 在线 or 在人. You'll find resources, guides, 和 tips for enjoying a visit to the park.